“Our collective future is determined by the decisions we make and the actions we take in the present; and the next generation will judge us by the consequences of those decisions and actions. To determine the future, we decide to and we collectively create it today.”
We Create the Future… We create it NOW!
Who We Are
Fundacion Exito Ltd./Gte. (“FundElg Africa®”) is an International Non-Governmental Social Enterprise (iNGSE) registered in Nigeria, with focus on national transformation through social change, values re-orientation, enterprise development support, wealth creation and transfer and trans-generational influence in order to help create a healthy social structure, sustainable economic development and positively productive leadership and governance systems in Nigeria.
Our primary goal is to evolve a new generation of Nigerian leaders across all spheres of our national life, business, work place, public and private sectors and governance working with young people, families, businesses, institutions and innovative-engineering as catalysts; with the critical Vision to build a national ideology for the next generation, one man, one idea and one change at a time; to ultimately re-birth a Nigeria built for Nigerians by a Community of Nigerians who believe in Nigeria.
The Organisation is run by an Executive Management Committee [EMC], overseen by a Board of Directors [BoD], and with guidance from a Global Advisory Board [GAB] comprised of well meaning individuals of great repute, influence and global experience. The Organisation is also supported by Global Green Ambassadors [GGA] comprising internationally recognised artistes who are the face of the Organisation.

What We Do
We enlighten, re-orientate, prepare and support young people, families, businesses, organisations and institutions in the appreciation of and adherence to social norms, ideals, values, civic responsibility, service, character, work, ethics, regulation and leadership; as well as empower them psychologically, mentally, structurally and financially to imbibe these ideals and transfer them to their circle of influence in the fulfillment of their visions, goals and aspirations.
Our focus is a trident that connects “the individual, the family and the nation” – Fundacion Operation Trident® (FOT).
How We Do It
We utilise Research & Development (R & D), Information Communication & Technology (ICT) Strategies (including education, trainings, networking), Enterprise Development Solutions, Advocacy, Policy and Governance dialogues, Events and Partnerships with the different “social structures” of the Nigerian economy and working with the Eight (8) Structures (Pillars) of Society to drive development in the Nigerian economy through social, economic and institutional reforms.
These social structures include:
Young People & Families
Media & Entertainment
Academic Institutions
Religious Organisations
Our Objective
The “Right People” are the greatest assets of any nation. The strength of any economy – state – depends on the quality, competence, fitness and morale of the available human resource and capacity that drive it. We therefore consistently ask 3 key questions regardless of what state and/or year we are in and regardless of who holds the reins of leadership:
- With the present state of our nation, its citizens and our families, the moral decadence, crime, criminality, indiscipline, impunity, corruption, under-development, widespread poverty and a dearth of intellectual capacity across every sphere, in the next 60 – 100 years who are those people who will be the leaders in government and the different sectors of our economy – including public and private institutions and organisations? Would they and their respective structures be prepared to lead and would they have the right vision, drive, competencies, skills, attitudes, character, networks and partnerships to lead Nigeria – morally, emotionally and intellectually – to heights of true global competiveness?
- In the next 60 – 100 years, whether we do something to cause the required change in the present state of affairs or not, Nigeria will get older as a Nation; what kind of “Nigeria”, citizens, families and institutions and organisations would we have as a country?
- How can the crop of young people, families, institutions, organisations and leaders we have today be architects of the future 60 – 100 years – if they themselves are broken down walls?
We have a single answer to these 3 questions: “WE CAN!!!”
Some say you cannot tell what the future holds, but we say “WE CAN!!!”
To determine the future, we decide, plan, design and create it today. Therefore, we will build and equip the Architects® of tomorrow today – the men who would think, decide, plan, design and build the tomorrow of our dreams – one man, one family, one institution, one leader, one idea at a time and ultimately one nation … created for Nigerians by a Community of Nigerians who believe in Nigeria; in order to bequeath to the generations after, a better and brighter Nigeria than we met and presently have. But to achieve this, WE must create it NOW.
The greatest asset of our nation is its 206+ million citizens (especially its over 60% youth population). If we have the right citizens (individuals), we will have the right families; and resultantly, the right children, the right leaders, the right decisions, plans + actions and the right nation … the circle is endless. Now, imagine the ramifications and endless possibilities!
Therefore, there is no better time than now to become fully engaged in the transformational networks, synergies and investments that will create the economic prosperity and social wealth of our nation by enhancing the thought processes, value orientation, economic power, quality of lives and influence for all Nigerians – by first developing the man that builds the Nation.
Our Vision
“Building a National ideology for the next generation, one man, one idea and one change at a time – for a Nigeria that believes in Nigerians built by a Community of Nigerians who believe in Nigeria by the year 2050; by leading the advocacy towards a shift in ethos for national, social and enterprise development in Nigeria through strategic human and organisational capital development, partnerships and deployment”.
Our Mission
To establish and utilise a 3-Throng vehicle of “Mind Re-Engineering, Thought Leadership & Trans-Generational Influence” in producing a new crop of citizens with practical contributions for a “National Re-birth and Trans-Generational Influence”.

Our Values
Our Programmes
Working with “LIFTS”, we have Four (4) Core Programmes, viz:
- The National Economic Governance and Advancement Programme (NEGAP) (“Core Programme 1”);
- The MACFund – Economic Security Network (MACFund ESN) (“Core Programme 2”);
- Foundation Exito Canada (the FundELG Africa Diaspora Campaign) (“Core Programme 3”); and
- Renovaetio Strategies (Strategic Communications, Branding, Governance Advisory and Enterprise Development support Programme for Young Entrepreneurs, MSMEs, NGOs, FBOs and ancillary organisations) (“Core Programme 4”).
These programmes have several “thematic areas” and will be executed in different sizes, stages and phases.
Our Strategy
Leveraging strategic partnerships and collaborations with local and international private sector organisations, public sector agencies, governance institutions, multinationals (MNCs), multilaterals and well-meaning individuals we would work to engineer, brand, finance and execute our various programmes to attain expected outcomes.
The private sector drives the economic prosperity of any nation; and thus our strategy is hinged on the concept of Creating Shared Value (“CSV”); which refers to the idea that ‘individuals, organisations, and companies must take the lead to cause change by bringing business and society back together’.
Our Programme Profile is a national rebirth project template (The National Rebirth Project Document), codenamed: “The BluePrint 2050® … Behold Grace, Greatness & Glory”.
The BluePrint 2050®
It is our hope that in the year 2050, Nigeria will stand tall as a Nation among other first world Countries with the Grace of Excellence, the Greatness of Pre-eminence and the Glory of National Re-Birth. The different Programmes will be rolled out in phases according to specifically detailed and tailored projects, plans and designs with mandates focused on the following areas:
- Values Re-orientation;
- Changing Ideologies;
- Encouraging Professionalism and Integrity in several sectors and career development [Entrenching Core Competencies, Skills and Attitudes];
- Promoting Enterprise Development and forging Entrepreneurial Synergies;
- Promoting True Leadership;
- Propagating True Service; and
- Encouraging and Enforcing Consequence Management and Reward for Excellence.
Our 4-Tier Strategic Intent
Our Goal is to build a Pan-African Institution in 30 years. Thus by the year 2045 (before 2050), following through with our “4-Tier Strategic Intent”, Fundacion Exito Ltd./Gte. (“FundELG Africa”) aims to become:
- … at least one of the top 3 Change Agents in Nigeria;
- … the single biggest Government, Public, Private Sector Support & Resource Centre in Nigeria for national development, strategy for trans-generational influence, nation state, orientation and leadership resourcery;
- … a key player in the African Change and Governance Initiative and a role model for African Social Enterprise; and
- … a Pan-African International Non-Governmental Social Enterprise (iNGSE) with a global presence and influence.
Why Work With Fundacion Exito Ltd./Gte.?
We understand that the strength of any economy – state – depends on the quality, competence, fitness and morale of the available human resource that drive it. Our core focus is to build and maximise this human capacity development and resource for the optimal benefit of the Nation and its entire citizenry.
“The BluePrint 2050®” is a National Re-Birth project document developed over a 16 years period (from 2004 – 2020) of understudying the challenges with Nigeria; still undergoing development and which takes into cognisance the intricate issues that militate against the nation, Nigeria and evolves a clear strategy to provide palpable, foundational, practical and far reaching solutions to ameliorating them.
FundElg Africa® is overseen by a dedicated team of rich development experts with several years of experience in sectors relevant to the Organisation’s programmes.
FundElg Africa® provides its team of experts with adequate support and training to enable on-going sector relevance per programme.
Our Team is dynamic and professional in outlook with a blend of youth and experience. We work smart and play hard. Our team spirit is excellent leveraging on partnerships, known strengths and supporting identified challenges. We play to win … always.
From leveraging our well thought out Project Development and Implementation Plans (P-DIP), team expertise and private sector synergy to projects execution, FundElg Africa® ascribes to the highest standards of project management, strategy and global best practises.
We understand that success in any venture, as in life, depends largely on relationships and that is why extensive public and private sector partnerships where relevant shall form part of our strategic links to projects excellence.
Our Integrity is our strength. Transparency and good corporate governance are our watchwords. At FundElg Africa®, a keen sense of integrity and altruism infuses all that we do.
Board Of Directors
“The world is divided into people who do things and people who get the credit. Try if you can to belong to the first class. There is far less competition.”
– Dwight Morrow
FundElg Africa® is run by an Executive Management Committee [EMC] and overseen by an astute and indefatigable Board of Directors (BoD) made up of professionals who have excelled in their various fields of endeavour and are men and women of honour, service and integrity who work as a team in seeing to the success of the FundElg Africa Vision. They belong to the rare class of people who “get things done”.
Our Executive Management Committee (EMC)
“Never Doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
– Margaret Mead (American Cultural Anthropologist)
The operations of FundELG Africa® and its Programmes which include the National Economic Governance and Advancement Programme [NEGAP], The MACFund ESN, Foundation Exito Canada [FEC] and Rénovætio Strategies, are run by a very dynamic Executive Management Committee [EMC] working with varied employees and volunteers. The Team is made up of professionals who are astute, eclectic, resilient, ingenious and swift in their approach to solving problems and proffering solutions. They are men and women of honour, strength of character, solitary principle, service and integrity who work as a team in seeing to the success of the FundELG Africa Vision. They are thoughtful, they are committed and are changing the world, one man, one idea, one step and one change at a time.
Get Involved!!!