#StopAtRed … LivingALegacy

Why do we as Citizens enjoy disorder?
Yet we wonder why over 50 years after Independence, we are still governed by the same sect of people over and over?
Let us reign ourselves in …
Can Nigerians be a bit more “Traffic Smart and Disciplined”?
Can WE ALL LIVE by Example and LEAD as such?
Can WE be good and fair and kind and brotherly ROAD USERS?
Do WE NEED to be FORCED or flogged to be decent and orderly?
It’s 2016 … Let’s depart from the norm and BE the CHANGE our Country needs.
Obey Traffic Rules … Obey the RED light

We think EVERY Nigerian should be angry about the menace our Country has become …
Traffic violations….
Bribery, Thievery, Corruption, Nepotism, Vandalism, Terrorism, Divorce, Rape …
Violence Against Women …
Violence Against Men …
Murders, Rituals, and so on …

We should RAGE for CHANGE beyond the platitudes of Talk with no commensurate work, walk or action …
Wake Up and Rage for CHANGE …
WE CAN … Join the Campaign … #BE a True Nigerian in Word and Deed.

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