Happy Democracy Day

Happy Democracy Day my Friend,

Have you thought about Nigeria and said a prayer for her today? Have you considered your personal ownership of this great nation called… “Nigeria”?

Securing our Future depends on our Honour, Value and Respect for Democracy… the Responsibility to do the right thing regardless of who is involved is in our hands.

Our Democracy is in our hands.

Together let us work to ensure it lasts.

Let’s build a better country and leave a better legacy to our Children and their children than we received.

The Strength of a chain lies in its weakest link. Together with one mind WE can achieve more … but the weakness of the least is the weakness of us all.

Play your part..  play it well, Play it RIGHT…

#SecureDemocracy … Secure your Future






Happy Democracy Day!!!


Fundacion Exito Ltd./Gte.

“… building a National Ideology for the Next Generation … one man, one idea and one change at a time.“

BlackBerry.: 2B19C4B2
Nation State | Thought Leadership | Influence

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